spReAd the Richard Armitage euphoria!

Richard Armitage arrives New Zealand, November 24, 2012. Photo by Simon Runting / SNPA. Edit by Jonia.


Love the above?

We’re praying for him, loving on him from our screens, reading what he’s said, happy for him, excited about what’s about to happen!

So, because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t think about this, I want to take this moment to capitalize on the publicity from this event to suggest that if you loved Richard Armitage’s photo yesterday, you consider making a donation to a charity on his behalf.

It’s easy to use a credit or debit card to donate to JustGiving, where Armitage has been raising money for several years for the following organizations:

It takes just a minute or two to donate — and it’s not the amount that counts, but the thought of caring behind it. You can donate with total anonymity if you like, so that even Richard Armitage won’t know your name.

Some fans also have an informal, periodic blood / food / clothes donation effort going in the fandom, called SpReAd the Love.

Its next appeal will be in February, but it’s never wrong to donate these things.

And it allows you to donate to the charity of your choice, so your gift stays close to home.

Fans have also donated in the past to Oxfam and Crisis on Armitage’s behalf. This is a bit of an off-the-cuff post, so I haven’t put together links for all of the various charities he has at times endorsed, but I’ll be back again during Advent to urge us all onward. Details of some them as well as a history of some fan giving are found at Richard Armitage Online and RichardArmitageNet.com.

I would love it if we could gift bomb him as a partial thanks to him for the amazing time we’ve had since July. Just a thought.

~ by Servetus on November 25, 2012.

25 Responses to “spReAd the Richard Armitage euphoria!”

  1. Woah. Is it just me?? Or does he REALLY resemble Hugh Jackman from this angle???


  2. I think he resembles Jackman from a lot of angles, but I’ve been criticized before for saying that.


  3. […] had another fantastic idea – donating to RA’s charities in appreciation.  What do you think?  For the next week, […]


  4. Yes, he looks like HJ, you guys aren’t crazy. And thanks for the link to SpReAdtheLove!


  5. I would personally not donate to the Salvation Army as they are homophobic. I volunteer for Crisis though every year. I would love to donate blood, but I’m gay :/


    • Thanks for the comment. Salvation Army homophobia a dealbreaker? For you and me both, babe. I also have other objections to the Salvation Army, particularly their policy of excluding alcoholics from their shelters.

      However, I list the charities simply because Armitage has lent his support to them. If I were a movie star and promoting charities, my list would be different.

      Of these, for me the best option is ChildLine and that’s who I support when I want to send him a thank-you.


      • Oh hellll noooo, didn’t know they excluded alcoholics! As a recovering alcoholic, that is unbelievable.


        • On my / the blog’s position on same sex love, you could read here: https://meandrichard.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/fan-showcase-gisbornesboy-part-1/


        • My main experience w/the Salvation Army was in Germany in the 1990s — where/when they will not let drunk people into the shelter. There was a really bad winter in the 1990s when it was really dangerous to be outside overnight, and it turned into a real problem, from my perspective. My father is an alcoholic and I hate to be around it, plus I understand that addiction is dangerous to other homeless people, but at the same time those people need to be housed, too. They can’t be left to freeze. There may be other shelters that do this as well, but that year turned me off of giving to the S.A. Occasionally, if there’s a little kid “ringing” in a store, I’ll give something that way.


    • @hotdwarflovin, there was an article in the New York Times about a boycott of Salvation Army over its homophobia and so apparently there’s an organized campaign.


  6. Reblogged this on Well, There You Go … and commented:
    Congratulations via GiftBomb! 🙂

    Check out http://www.jagrant.com/watcher/fan-drive-the-hobbit-gift-bomb-of-congratulations/ and donate to one of the charities he supports at http://www.justgiving.com/user/18578864 to celebrate his achievement, and maybe give those less fortunate than ourselves something to celebrate as well.

    Other ways to give — food donations — are a great way to celebrate, too. Check out http://funkybluedandelion.blogspot.com/p/spread-love.html for more info on this option for contributing.

    Way to go, Mr. A! 🙂


  7. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:
    Hey, ’tis the season to share and care, right? And is there a more deserving celeb to give in honor of?


  8. […] back? Join the Richard Armitage Gift Bombing. To learn more check out these posts from Jazzbaby1, Servetus and […]


  9. […] legions of fans are “love bombing” RA’s […]


  10. […] Armitage Gift Bombing of his charities, to show the enjoyment and support of his fans: Iniated by Servetus and taken up by Judiang and established with a logo by Gratiana Lovelace, it already is a […]


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