King Richard Armitage Week 2012 quiz winners announced!


Thanks to everyone who participated in the week by clicking and by answering questions or by publicizing the event on their blog or tumblr [ETA: or twitter — lots of chirpers out there]. We got a much greater level of participation than anticipated, and so the real reward, which everyone can take credit for, whether you won a prize or not, is growing awareness of Richard Armitage’s interest in pursuing a Richard III project.

But, indeed, it was a contest, and we have some winners to announce. The original, official announcement is here. Click over there to see what they won!

(“KRA champions 2012” are those who answered all the questions correctly and thus solved the puzzle.)

Originally we had planned to give one prize for the most correct answers, but FOUR participants actually solved the whole puzzle correctly.


Guess it wasn’t as hard as I had been told (wink). I’ll definitely consider making it harder next time!

I’m kind of in a rush today, but if you’re curious, the solution to the puzzle (which I admit I forgot about putting together in a coherent way) will be published tomorrow.

Thanks, finally, to our sponsors.

Coming soon: Don’t miss the group read of The Sunne in Splendour, scheduled to start September 23rd. Details so far are here.

~ by Servetus on September 5, 2012.

8 Responses to “King Richard Armitage Week 2012 quiz winners announced!”

  1. Congratulations to the winners ! And for me all participants are winners and champions !
    Thank you, Servetus, for this great challenge and scavenger hunt for all Richard Armitage and King Richard fans!!!


  2. Congrats everyone! 😀


  3. I just wanted to say thanks for posting about KRA week! I really enjoyed participating in the daily quiz and otherwise wouldn’t have known about it 🙂


  4. Thank you for the opportunity to flex the grey matter. I enjoyed participating in the quiz, although I nearly gave up a couple of times, and congratulations to the other winners! I’m looking forward to the Sunne in Splendour group read next. 🙂


  5. I am still on cloud nine and feel humbled that I was one of the winners. It was a hard quiz and I had to work hard. Congratulations to my fellow winners. I am honored to be in your company. Thanks, Servetus, for having such amazing blogging and quiz designing skills! Now, if only a phone call from Richard had been one of the prizes…haha! 😉


    • yeah, that would have been a fantastic prize. We didn’t solicit him to offer it. Maybe we should try next time, lol 🙂



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