The look on Porter’s face when he sees his daughter …

… as if now the reason he’s come takes over everything else in his mind, in his emotions…

John Porter (Richard Armitage) returns home to his daughter, Alex (Laura Greenwood), and estranged wife, Diane (Nicola Stephenson) in Strike Back 1.2. My caps.

… as if now that he’s taken his daughter in his arms, everything will be all right.


Happy Birthday month Richard Armitage! In honor of this event, consider donating your time, energy, and thoughts / prayers to an effort that’s meaningful to you. If you need a suggestion, here’s a link to Mr. Armitage’s recommended charities at JustGiving, as well as a link to means of generating a charity contribution on his behalf at, and a link to Act!onAid, a child sponsorship organization for which he recorded a voiceover in December 2010. Donate to Christchurch Earthquake Appeal here.

~ by Servetus on August 4, 2011.

30 Responses to “The look on Porter’s face when he sees his daughter …”

  1. He played that scene to perfection as you really believe that what you are watching is real. He totally wraps his arms around her as if he never wants to let her go. It never ceases to bring tears to my eyes. I think he would make an amazing Dad! He could have a daughter that age if he’d had her when he was 20! One day hopefully it will happen for him.


  2. I love this scene as well. Despite being estranged she really does still love him. Which is why I feel this part iof SB was underdeveloped.


  3. This scene takes my breath away. I guess it’s because I’m a mother but mostly because I’m a daughter of divorced parents and my dad was not present on a daily basis. I could relate to both her and his feelings in this.
    And they both play it perfectly. And Richard is, as usual, totally believable.


  4. One of my favorite scenes. That look on his face, that hug is so genuine and heart-felt for us as we watch. I agree, Khandy, John’s relationship with his family, particularly his daughter, was underwritten in the series. Guess that is yet another reason we have to write fanfic.


    • She’s an orphan now 😦


      • I know. I feel as if I need to give her a big ol’ hug, too. But what would I say to her? “Your dad was truly a hero, even if TPTB fouled things up royally and couldn’t manage to save one of the best soldiers–and best men– they’d ever had?” *mutters bad things under breath*


  5. In real life, if ever a girl can have a daddy like RA, how many man she can find in her adult life to live up to that standard? Sigh…


  6. Yes, this is a wonderful scene. My other favourite one is of him with Alex when she is 10 or 11 years old and he goes to speak with her in her bedroom. *thud*


  7. Oh, yes, Lizzie. The way he says, “Budge over,” and folds himself up on that bed to cuddle with her. The tender way he talks to her and that sweet kiss on the cheek. I melted. I almost melt just thinking about it!


    • I could watch that scene over and over again and never get tired of it.

      The only other scene I would love to see him do is with a little baby, cuddling and playing with it, preferably a little girl. She would be able to wrap him round her little finger … What a great daddy he would make …. ‘sigh’


      • Lizzie,

        I think that is why I’ve given his characters children in a couple of my fan fics—I can so easily imagine him cuddling them in his arms, singing them lullabies in that lovely baritone, being the loving and protective dad . . . and yes, I suspect a little girl in particular would be the absolute apple of his eye.


  8. Beautiful caps…..enchanting moments between father & daughter! Can just imagine, more so, if RA’s will have one in RL….


  9. For someone who doesn’t have children, he’s really captured it. I guess that’s why they call it acting.


    • well said.


      • I remember an interview where he said in good humor that he couldn’t believe he was casted as father of a teenager and that playing a dad resonated with him.
        He’s a wonderful actor but I think some of his reactions to the father role can be seen in it…or maybe is just wishful thinking, LOL.

        OML 🙂


  10. Makes me think he is an awfully nice uncle.


  11. Beautiful caps.
    Now I need a hug. From Richard Armitage 😉


  12. Love it—the trademark hand on loved one’s face. Oh the affection.


  13. […] okay, this probably means the beard will be gone. Darn. But Armitage as father, oh, yeah; he was amazing as Alexandra Porter's father. It almost makes me want to keep blogging after the premiere of The […]


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