Armitage thumbs to get me through the day

It was a long one. Please don’t judge. Screencaps from Spooks 8.7, one of my favorite Spooks episodes, up there with the very similar 7.6.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) looks at a photo of Harish Dhillon (Paul Sharma) in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) asks Tariz (Shazad Latif) about how he can get in touch with his contact in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) opens his car door during a surveillance operation in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) shows Ashok the whatever-it’s-called that he’s about to give him in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) reassures Ashok (Ashley Kumar) that he will be right there to step in should trouble materialize, in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) about to signal the police to move in on the would-be terrorist cell, in Spooks 8.7. My cap. Mmmm, that MCP.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) changes course from one potential terrorist target to another in Spooks 8.7. My cap.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) prepares to take a shot during the standoff with Dhillon et al., in Spooks 8.7.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) continues the standoff with Dhillon in Spooks 8.7. Thumb down, but I included this mostly because of his mouth: Depressor angulari oris, anyone?

~ by Servetus on March 21, 2012.

14 Responses to “Armitage thumbs to get me through the day”

  1. and what is that on his left thumb in the last two caps? ‘nother owie?


  2. I shall refrain from admitting to any further thumb fantasies…but you can be sure I’m now thinking of some 😉


  3. Oh, somebody used to suck his right thumb…


  4. I just looked at the last two caps and I think he is actually sporting a Bandaid!! So I’m thinking he does have another owie!! That’s what happens when he does his own stunts I guess!! 😦


  5. Thumb porn!


  6. Okaaay, just added owie-spotting to the long list of Armitage related pastimes. 🙂


  7. Oh please stop! You’re putting the thumbscrews to us! (Or to him)


  8. Thanks for all these witticisms regarding this strange preoccupation of mine. I really appreciate the solidarity!


  9. Why do we think he sucked his thumb then? Is there something about the way they look that indicates this? I can see his right thumb bends back quite far but the top half of both my thumbs goes right back almost at right angles with the rest of the thumb and I never sucked mine. I could just be a bit freaky though! Lol!


  10. […] that the surviving portraits of Richard III tend to suggest that the unfortunate royal lacked an MCP on the thumb. “In fact, we wouldn’t even necessarily know they were thumbs except for […]


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