The last King Richard Armitage Week 2012 quiz questions have appeared!

Have you signed the petition? That’s all the fan initiative asks participants to do! That, and enjoy the writing for this week.



Today’s event blogger is Fabo at White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts — considering the vital question: if Armitage stars in his own Richard III project, who should direct? This question never occurred to me, and even if it had, I still wouldn’t have been able to come with nearly the fascinating panoply of choices that Fabo provides. Go over there and consider her suggestions. I’ve left my answer over there in the comments.

From CDoart: Germany goes to fifteenth-century England. Those Germans always were intrepid travelers. If you’re struggling with the questions from Day 5 of the quiz, I strongly suggest that you read this post and also my post from yesterday about Richard III’s thumb.

And now, quiz fans — Day 6 questions for the quiz for King Richard Armitage Week 2012 have appeared! Four questions today to finish out the phrase — one about an image of Richard III and three about Richard Armitage. I honestly think if you’ve been reading faithfully for the last week or so, you should be able to locate two of the latter very easily. (If you really need hints, bug me on twitter and I’ll think about it.)

So you have all of the daily questions now! I explained yesterday how they fit into the solution sentence — so it’s time to start considering what the solution sentence could be! If you figure out the solution sentence and realize that some of your previous entries were wrong, no problem — go back to those individual quiz days and simply re-enter your answers. The old answers will be erased in favor of the new ones you provide.

Because all of this may take a little while, you have until 0:01 a.m. — London Time — on September 3rd, 2012. At that time the quiz forms will close. A winner will be announced on September 5th, along with the solution to the quiz and the places where we drew our answers from.

Our big prize is the decision over the destination of a £91 (GBP) donation to Richard Armitage’s JustGiving charities, based on a drawing among participants’ correct entries. For information about the other prizes, including the one for the person with the most right answers — who will be declared King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Champion! —  check out event news.


Although the quiz clues have been completed, the week goes on for two more days — tomorrow’s event blogger is fitzg!

~ by Servetus on August 26, 2012.

3 Responses to “The last King Richard Armitage Week 2012 quiz questions have appeared!”

  1. […] (Me + Richard Armitage) – has some more quiz tips! – But so far, contributors are really doing well. You all are my quiz champions already […]


  2. […] yes — keep going on the quiz! Details in yesterday’s post. It’s not to late to start — all answers accepted through 0:01 a.m., London time, on […]


  3. […] (Me + Richard Armitage) – Tips for the Scavenger Hunt – Participants are already doing very well ! You are all champions […]


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