You want a *hard* Richard Armitage quiz?

Entries for the King Richard Armitage Week 2012 puzzle to benefit charity have closed!

There’s been some grousing about how difficult the quiz was, but let me give you difficult. I used to play on a trivia team in high school and context organizers would sometimes ask questions like, in the commercial for Glad Wrap made in 1985, seven different fruits fall on a bowl covered with Glad Wrap. What were the fruits, and in which order did they fall?

Of course, if someone asked that question today you’d just look on youtube.

So / But. If I were going to write a Richard Armitage / John Porter quiz that was really difficult, this kind of item (below) is definitely a place I would look to create questions.

For instance: What is John Dean’s mother’s name?

Chewing on your cuticles much, Mr. Armitage? The legend for John Dean given to John Porter (Richard Armitage) in Strike Back 1.3. My cap.

Now that is hardcore. That is difficult.

And that is also a thumbshot. See how I worked that in?

Winners announced tomorrow!

Also to mention — The #ArmitageWatch people on twitter are organizing a group read of The Sunne in Splendour (in case you don’t know — the book that piqued the interest of Mr. Armitage, senior, and Mr. Armitage, junior, in the project — author, Sharon Kay Penman, it was a clue in the quiz!) to raise awareness of Richard Armitage’s interest in the Richard III project. We hope to do some fun activities to accompany and keep everyone reading along.

Discussions are still underway, so keep checking that space and this space for details. Right now they are projecting to start on September 23rd. I’ll be sure to update you as soon as I know anything.

If you don’t own a copy, you may want to buy your book now. Purchase made through the amazon affiliates links (start here for the US, and here for the UK — any purchase you make if you start your journey there counts) will generate a commission that goes in its entirety to benefit Richard Armitage’s JustGiving sponsorees. You can also do the same thing through Richard Armitage Online.

~ by Servetus on September 4, 2012.

28 Responses to “You want a *hard* Richard Armitage quiz?”

  1. Drat. One of my copies is out on loan (I suspect permanently) and the other is in storage.


  2. Giggles, Serv!
    “Glad” that you managed to work in the thumb shot. Sighhh!
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  3. I’m ashamed to admit that I failed at the quiz miserably.. I’m really sorry I couldn’t give it more time. I’ll try again next year, promise!


  4. Couldn’t take on the quiz this year, but wait ’til next year. (BTW great thumb shot, and it’s just a wee bit galling that her name is Alicia and she’s younger than me.)


  5. Great! I purchased mine during KRA Week and just started to read it.


  6. A group read will be much easier to co-ordinate with than a group watch and TSiS is somewhere in my to-read pile.

    John Dean’s mother has the same birth year and (former) occupation as me. Not sure how that makes me feel! It makes her a mother at quite a young age, and the pedantic in me questions how she was a qualified school teacher at 18. I was just getting started in my first year at college.


  7. It was interesting to have a closer look at this legend. For me there are two obvious comments on the “authenticty” of the birth certificate. Firstly, it is a new style certificate which have only been in use for the last few years. Secondly, if his mother was 18 when he was born, she wouldn’t have been a primary school teacher. Even in 1974 you need a degree in teaching or a degree plus a PGCE so she would have to be at least 22.


    • Oops! I’m wrong about the style, they changed in 1969 but it would have been handwritten with a fountain pen. Printed birth certificates didn’t come until the 1990’s.


      • Interestingly, I had reason to request a certified copy of a birth certificate from Somerset House recently for a person born in 1912. It came printed in a similar format to the one in the cap.


        • I guess what’s odd about it in light of what Pam says is that it has a 1974 certification stamp on it. I.e., I take it that they would simply produce a new certificate (as they would in most of the U.S., as well, which is one reason why the birthers continue to get attention — the state doesn’t release original certificates anymore) — but why would it be back-certified? Seems odd.


      • It’s probably a reproduction, but why the back certification? I agree, continuity is messing up here. It’s a sort of Spooks-like error.


  8. […] the group read of The Sunne in Splendour, scheduled to start September 23rd. Details so far are here. Share […]


  9. Drat, drat, drat and double drat!!! I would LOVE to join the read of Sunne in Splendor as I’ve beeb meaning to read the whole series, but I’m hosting a simultaneous group read of Mary Barton on C19 starting Sept 17th that lasts seven weeks.
    I’m really bummed to miss out. My schedule can’t possibly tackle both at once. Not unless I give up “In Consequence” – and I just can’t.


    • I don’t want you to give up “In Consequence,” either 🙂

      I haven’t been told how this is going to work out — there’s a suggestion to have pieces of the a read on twitter, and also on FB, and I’ll probably blog off and on about it, but I’m not going to be there every week, either — I have 18 books to read with students this term, so group reading is frankly not my favorite free time activity. I’m sure, however, that this won’t be the last time this happens.


  10. I failed Servetus , shame on me!
    PS: Do you think that I can manage to read that book in the original?
    Appears to me that these books weren’t been translated into my native language.


    • I don’t know — it’s not the easiest book, but it’s very well written, so if you like her prose style you will probably keep reading. The beginning is very evocative.


  11. […] Richard III Bloggers will be cheering us on with fun activities […]


  12. […] The group read will be accompanied by Richard III Bloggers and their ‘ fun activities‘. […]


  13. Nice thumbshot! 😉
    Oh, was there something else you were talking about in the post? *chuckle*

    Count me in for the read. The book is dl’d and ready to go on my Kindle. Part of this is happening while I’m on the road with friends, but I’ll still be reading. 🙂


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