Post-prandial Armitage jeans musing

I see I missed a few picture updates. I still have a life, and I needed to go out to dinner with my colleagues because I thought something in particular might be discussed, and it was, and I needed to say what I thought about it, and I did. All good. Which was fine.

I came back to this picture (I probably saw it linked from either Jas or Zan), and it intrigued me — I thought, huh, what an odd stance (for him) he has in that picture; he looks a little bowlegged. So I looked at it in iPhoto, and heavily overexposed it, to get a look at his stance, which meant I got a closer look at the apparently controversial jeans, too. I don’t know why he’s standing that way, but I appreciate the light exposure between his thighs so I could get a closer look at the jeans.

I’m going to say that, with minor quibbles, I quite like how Mr. Armitage has been dressed. Whoever is dressing him, I feel, has found a good compromise between the kind of things he might like to wear (about which I extrapolate, based on some of the funnier things we’ve seen him, which I assume he wears because he might like them) and the sort of things that are in style. He’s wearing some things that can be matched to current trends, but not in a flashy way; his style is working for him and not against him the last couple of days. Also, I’ve said it before and will say it again, I don’t think he really has the ideal leg / hip build to look great in most jeans, and while I know they are the everyman’s uniform of our century, for me many of the jeans cuts he has worn in the last few years, which have followed the styles rather than what looks good on him, have worked against one of his best features — those extremely long legs.

When I overexposed this photo and looked at his legs, I thought, yes. That is why he wore those jeans. It is still a skinnier jean than I might put him in to start, but it has a look a lot closer to the basic straight leg that is not stylish but best for his body. These jeans give him a really, really long leg without overemphasizing his very muscular upper thighs or making them look too hefty, and without emphasizing the broadness of his hips, either, or the length of his feet. Indeed, the bottom of the jean looks almost like a pant rather than a jean, so they have an unconsciously dressy look.

In short: We’re aware of his musculature and strength in these jeans, but we’re also quite aware of that long, long, leg. Just as we should be.

~ by Servetus on November 27, 2012.

18 Responses to “Post-prandial Armitage jeans musing”

  1. I agree Servetus – i’ve been over in Jas’ all afternoon musing on his long legs and well developed thighs… At least if you have been out to dinner and discussed something that has been on your mind you have been more productive than me!


    • Some hiring decisions are about to be made and I wanted to make sure that I had pushed my candidates appropriately. Not about me so much as a about people whose professional futures I care about — and a lot of university business is done outside the office.


  2. Giggles! I blushingly have to admit that these jeans fit RA stunningly well in the … Well, I’m a lady, so I won’t say. Sighhhh!


  3. Stanley Stunning is back and looking swell in his jeans, long legs and all. 😉


  4. I have just about run out of things to say – how have some of you ladies done this for so long. I am exhausted from squeeing and attempting to be productive!


  5. APM in effect here! Can’t for the life of me see why anyone would complain about what he is wearing! Angie has it right, “Stanley Stunning is back” and to my way of thinking looking more gorgeous than ever . I love how he is dressed! 😀


    • I assume — I am just guessing — that one might think that the top half of the outfit looks a lot like English country hunting clothes. Checkered shirt, what looks like a knit vest / waistcoat, and then a blue blazer in a stiff fabric that almost looks like a synthetic. It’s not the top of sexy style, that’s for sure. But I think it looks good on him, and most importantly, with the exception of the vest, it looks like something I’d imagine him choosing.


      • I agree — he seems comfortable in these clothes and he does look stunning.


      • Actually, a vest is something Richard has chosen to wear in the past. There is a picture of him with Annabel Capper in which he wore a vest under his jacket; it was higher cut than the one we saw in yesterday’s picture. He did not employ a stylist back then, so it was his own personal style. Now he has hired a famous stylish who I believe is in her 30’s. Her name is Russian but I cannot remember it now; I’m too tired – it’s almost 3am!! 😉


  6. re jeans: There is simply no alternative to wearing jeans if you want to give the impression of a person wearing jeans – if that makes sense. The the only options of choice there different cuts.


  7. Thank you for alerting me to this picture, Servetus.
    I found it astonishingly well arranged for a group shot. The black line and accompanying faces are directly heading to Sir Peter Jackson, though I, as RA-fan, stop short on the way and just am entirely distracted ;o)
    The repeating colours also are lovely in this shot. (Sorry, my eye sight is rather lazy and so I see colours long before I can make any sense of them.)
    What I like, is the open body language of RA to Fran and Sir Peter. So to me it looks as if he really enjoyes his time with them.


  8. BTW, looking at this photo at 500%, the way he is standing seems to be just entering a ballet position, with the right knee slightly bent, IMO.


  9. […] The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey are two posts on Richard Armitage’s recent jeans choices: Post-prandial and post-matutinal musings. (Yeah, I have a Latin […]


  10. […] and the press snippets that showed a newly confident Richard Armitage, and of course, those jeans! Those jeans! Pictures were popping up all the time. Jonia was a major source. On the 28th there […]


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