Richard Armitage in The Crucible rehearsal pictures

seen at Stuff and Nonsense.

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~ by Servetus on June 16, 2014.

42 Responses to “Richard Armitage in The Crucible rehearsal pictures”



  2. Ahhhhh. Always love photos of our boy at work, doing what he loves and does so well. That first image, the bowed head and the bicep . . . his intensity . . . thanks for sharing!


  3. GOSH *__*


  4. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:
    Photos of RA in rehearsal . . . wonderful!!


  5. Ok…I might need to practice my breathing techniques!


  6. Apart from the (expected) intensity and emoting (by Mr A), I am totally blown away by the tableaus that I am seeing there. I hope the final version is going to be as visually concentrated as what we are seeing in this. I have goosepimples just looking at these images, just the static, non-verbal communication. With movement and text, it’s going to be mind-blowing.
    (PS: Sorry, I am abit overexcited right now due to the world cup)


    • Excited because of the World Cup?? Who are you kidding? 🙂
      (Yes, I know, Germany is also smoking hot! 🙂 Good luck!)


  7. Oh good grief! Even these rehearsal pics are emotive!


  8. Oh my…


  9. I’m literally gasping for air


  10. wow .. the interaction between those two looks so hot! How lucky is Samantha – I’m sure there are a ‘few’ of us that would willingly trade places with her! Such a sexy and beautiful photo of the two of them. MORE please! we’ll be 4 rows back from them this saturday – so excited!


  11. Oh. My….(exhales deeply). Now I really wish for a Dvd… anything… please…


  12. My. Sweet. Lord.
    How can they NOT make a DVD….
    My monitor is steaming – especially that 1st photo…. that’s illegally hot.


  13. This is seriously hard on productivity!


  14. I might have to sell my car to go see this play …


    • It’s enough to make you that desperate, isn’t it? 🙂

      “After all, I only need the car to drive back and forth to work every day…. to pick up our daily provisions….. I mean, it’s only a 25 minute walk to the bus stop…. my husband knows my supervisor is crazy, he’ll buy that it’s a work trip… won’t he? What? Where am I??”

      I think I understand what someone meant when they once replied to an enthusiastic newbie, “Prepare for your life to be ruined.” ( jk …. I think? 🙂


      • It does make you desperate! I will be in London in early September but only changing planes at Heathrow. 😦 sobbing I have never wanted a flight to be delayed or cancelled in my life before now! Oh yes! Life completely “ruined” for sure!


        • Yes, that’s tough – so close yet so far! Close enough for something to work out, maybe 🙂 …. good luck with that short “easy” delay!


  15. Looks to have a bit of the bed head….nice to see him looking so natural. But really, he looks completely in character. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll decide to do the DVD.


  16. Reminder to self..breathe…..


  17. I have entertained the thought of selling my engagement ring to go. I am happily married for 12 years but I never wear it.


    • you might get more for your husband. 🙂


      • You are killing me here! rofl


        • her husband is cute. Admittedly, i have not seen the ring 🙂


          • Well, see? 🙂
            @Rob, your husband wouldn’t care? (I mean, if you sold the ring, not him…. don’t listen to Serv 🙂


            • We talked about it. It wouldn’t be his first choice. We love to travel and haven’t been able to do much over the last several years mortgage, kid, started a business, and overall shitty economy. So he understands that it is a once in the lifetime opportunity.

              He stopped me in my tracks by saying we might need the $ to relocate to LA for a writing lab that we applied for.

              I did ask a friend who is not an Armitage fan if she would be up for going for a long weekend. She said yes. It is just a matter of me finding the $$$. Plus I am concerned tickets will sell out tho.


  18. I think this is the point where we say I can’t even.


    • the Armitage fandom has made my speech even younger than teaching college students I think. Yup. I can’t even.


  19. When it rains, it pours. I read the post from the newest to the oldest, wow what a day. As normal I don’t look at the computer till evening. A lot to take in.


    • It was just shaping up to be a normal boring Monday. I’d finally gotten my dad’s computer straightened out and was able to set up the network to see mine — and two minutes later this showed up.


  20. Reblogged this on Trópico de cáncer and commented:
    My sister got ticket for The Crucible. Very excited. Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures. Cheers.


  21. Reblogged this on pilar221b and commented:
    Richard Armitage is an extraordinary actor. You can see the intensity in his eyes. It will be a great work. Very happy to say that I’ll be there to see it, I hope.


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