How can one face say all these things?

8/8/11 POD from

Guy of Gisborne (Richard Armitage) and Marian (Lucy Griffiths) in Robin Hood.

~ by Servetus on August 9, 2011.

32 Responses to “How can one face say all these things?”

  1. This just happens to be one of my favorite Guy/Marian screencaps–“I told you I was on business . . .” The way he leans in towards her, with a certain teasing intimacy.

    Those sideburns also beautifully accentuate the planes of his face.

    Oh, he is marvelous, isn’t he?


  2. Nice! Of course you could also label the whole face SEXY (not just the stubble) but I know you like to be specific! 😉 I like this labelling idea!


    • I was thinking that I should have labeled the stubble “virile,” that would be more exact. And yes, getting the details described perfectly is one of my preoccupations 🙂


  3. I love this scene. When Guy says to Marian, “Really?”
    Hmm, my heart is always trembling 😉
    ( all through this his voice)


  4. Just love your arrow analyses. They capture the essence and put the parts into context. Many thanks.


    • Thank you. I just discovered how to use the software to do that in spring, and what’s nice is that on nights when I am too tired for more words it allows me to post anyway. So I’m glad it falls upon welcome ears.


  5. “You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you, you’d be heaven to touch, I want to hold you so much . . .” *thud*


  6. Only inside those writers’ head any woman in her right mind could prefer a rachitic weasel instead Sir Guy of Gorgeous. 🙂


  7. @Fabi,

    I think there is so much Male Pattern Jealousy involved in this scriptwriting, it ain’t funny. Look at how poor Lucas kept being shown as desperately seeking after these women-hello, this is the gorgeous, charismatic and supremely sexy Richard Armitage playing the role. Don’t think it would be too hard to find female companionship . . .

    Also the reason I suspect so many of the LOTR fanboyz have fussed about Richard playing Thorin–gee, they wanted Thorin to look like a dumpy, lumpy, pimply-faced, unattractive fellow so THEY could envision being him. Needless to say, it’s a real stretch of the imagination for them to see themselves in Richard’s big beautiful boots as Thorin.

    LOL Such sour grapes. 😉


    • Angie, you’re absolutely right. Poor common men, RA is a very high standard to be achieved by them!
      Thanks heaven we have fanfics written by women, an ‘alternative universe’ where all wonderful characters like Guy, Lucas, Porter, Standring are never alone in the end. And I look forward to that ‘all about love’ role, since it has a happy ending…


      • Yes, if the scriptwriters won’t do right by them, we shall. 😀

        I would really love to seem play that “all about love” role, too–where his character lives past the credits and gets the girl and all is right with the world.


  8. You do have to wonder about what on earth the writers were thinking (both spooks and RH). Guy vs. Robin?? Seriously, no contest. And how could anyone with estrogen not love Lucas? Were there any female writers on either of those shows?

    LOTR fanboys are just unexplainable.


    • To my knowledge, no, not any female writers on those shows. If Guy had been played by someone else much less attractive and sexy and with little to no chemistry with Lucy, then maybe we could have understand it.

      But when the leading man and woman seem more like brother and sister than lovebirds, and you keep looking at the “evil henchman” and thinking how he would make a much better hero–well, you’ve got problems.

      Or, if Robin had been played by more of a leading-man type–Archer, or Joe Kennedy, the guy who played Carter (who dated Lucy as I recall) where it seemed plausible she was being pulled between the two men–then again, it would have been more understandable.
      Jonas would have been fine as one of the gang. But IMHO he just wasn’t really cut out to play Robin–not up against RA, anyway.


    • Absolutely right! Robin is nothing compared to Guy! Also that spindly Andrew character compared to John Standring in Sparkhouse is less than nothing!
      I agree that Lucas should have been a chick magnet, and I do doubt that there were many female writers on Spooks!
      I have often felt there was some antagonism/jealousy involved in the way the writers handled series 9 Spooks! Probably because RA can imagine a better character than they could ever write!!


  9. Ah yes, now Sparkhouse was written by a female, but I agree: the weedy Andrew was no match for big, solid, loving and steadfast Sweetie John.

    You know, I read where Rupert had made some complaints about Spooks during S6, prior to his planned departure at some point in S7. And suddenly Adam is blown to smithereens in the very first ep, when RPJ was apparently expecting to be in several eps. Don’t think he was a happy camper (neither was I, I really liked the Lucas/Adam team). My theory is there is a certain, shall we say, vindictiveness amongst the Spooks production team. If an actor doesn’t play by their rules and/or they are poised to move on to bigger and better things than a BBC show, let’s give ’em the shaft. We like killing characters off right and left anyway (maybe a little too much) . . .

    At least Rupert got to go out a hero. There is NO excuse for what they did to poor Lucas. None at all. : (

    And as far as his love interests—please, child. OK, he carried a torch for his former wife through his prison years. This, I can buy.

    But him being a complete numpty over Freezer Queen of the Clumsy Implausible Accent and then the world’s worst doctor (love how she jumped in there to help Vaughn LOL) who wears the same pained expression on her face 99.9 percent of the time (people. I know there are actresses in England who are attractive AND talented. And can do a credible American accent)—it just didn’t wash with me. Loved Spooks 7; liked Spooks 8 (although I preferred all scenes sans SC) and pretty much hated S 9. Onward and upward, Richard!


  10. Excuse me as I drool all over the floor…
    Thank for you, for finally putting WORDS to our adoration of his face! I am eternally grateful!


  11. Nice analysis. There is always something about Guy’s expressions that go beyond a single emotion. The way RA portrayed him made him one of the characters with the most depth on that show (IMHO).


  12. Thanks for the comments, Jael and Rose.


  13. I love Richard Armitage, but just because I may romanticize the actor does not mean I have to romanticize the character he is playing. Richard Armitage is a great actor, but his character of Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood was anything but romantic. Guy was, when it comes down to it, an abusive, obsessive stalker, who in the end, not surprisingly, kills the object of his obsession in a “if I can’t have you then nobody can” scenario. There is no way that I would ever support Marian choosing someone like that over Robin Hood. However, I must say that I found Jonas’ portrayal of Robin Hood as a boyish, cheeky charmer quite entertaining and I couldn’t help but be a bit charmed myself.


    • Thanks for the comment, and welcome, Tanya. I don’t think myself that knowing that Gisborne was not partner material precludes feeling attracted to him, however.


      • John Mulligan was definitely not great partner material–more dangerous in my opinion than Guy–but I don’t mind one bit admitting I find him maddeningly attractive and sexy. As I do Sir Guy. But then you know that. 😉


      • Thanks for the welcome. I guess, from a personal standpoint, I could never feel attracted to a stalker. There is danger and then there is creepy danger of the “I need a court restraining order” type. I suppose it is a credit to Richard Armitage’s acting ability, in making such an attractive man into a despicable character.


        • That’s healthy and realistic in terms of personal life choices. I think, though, that we have to keep in mind that in this story, Marian uses him and as a consequence he perceives her as encouraging him. That doesn’t legitimate stalking in my mind, but moments of her behavior certainly give him to understand that his attentions are not completely unwelcome.


          • True, but I feel those moments are in Series 2. In Series 1 there really are no moments that could have been construed as actually welcomed (at least none that I can remember, I could be wrong).


            • Well, this is a series 2 photo. However, in series 1 she accepts at least two gifts from him, one of which is an expensive horse.


  14. I love all the szences with guy and marian.. richard is the best Guy of gisborne of the world 😀 and he is soo beautiful 😀 ♥ but i hate him for that, what he have done in 2.13 😥


  15. […] “How can one face say all these things?” August 9, 2011. Annotated diagram of Armitage’s face based on a screencap from Robin […]


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