Wow! Armitage as Thorin photos

I have two meetings behind me and four more to go, but I just popped into my office for lunch and I can’t resist posting a few caps from the new vlog and commenting. Caps courtesy of

I love this quintessentially Armitage jaw position, and am excited to see it integrated into the Thorin character. Source:

Love how this hair shade brings out a shade in his blue-gray eyes we haven’t seen before. Can’t help it, I would just love to fall into those eyes.

Action Armitage is still in action! Yeah!! Source:

What was your favorite cap?

I see I’ve got a lot of blog-related mail; will get to it when I can but it may not be until very late today, frankly, unless someone on my calendar cancels.

~ by Servetus on November 4, 2011.

55 Responses to “Wow! Armitage as Thorin photos”

  1. Hi Serv,
    Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield looks magnificent! I agree with you about his blue blue eyes. Sighhhhh! Thanks for sharing!
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  2. Good to see some glimpses of Thorin and get a hint of what we will be treated to next year. The explanation of the need to use red make-up for the 3D process puts RA’s facial appearance in the 2nd vlog into context – not problems with his skin reacting to the make-up but the make-up not being fully removed, I suspect!


    • Hello Pam,
      Yes, it’s good to get some context.
      I remember earlier concerns for RA’s skin and then began to wonder, as the colour is so prominent, if perhaps Thorin would be spending “the journey” as an angry, red-faced older leader, flushed from the inevitable exertions of his quest? Now I’ll have to shelve that image and eagerly re-focus my imagination along the lines of mature/battle-distinguished grey/sad/startling eyes leadership…


  3. Well, hellllooooo, Gorgeous! It’s official. I’m in love with the hottie dwarf (and I am not talking about Aidan, either) . . . Agreed. The hair color truly brings out a new and absolutely breathtaking shade in those eyes . . . This is the shot in the arm I needed after recent events. *sigh, swoon, thud*


  4. Don’t worry Angie, you’re not alone. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m in love with a dwarf! I cannot get over how good he looks!
    Oh, was Aidan in this vlog? I didn’t even notice…

    I could stare at that close-up for hours (and have, whenever possible during today’s events at work). There’s a certain sadness in his face but those eyes just draw me in!

    Great to see that Action Armitage is still going strong as well – he’s so darn sexy!! 🙂


    • I didn’t notice him either. Ah yes, those eyes. And I kind of find I can’t wait for a little more Action Armitage.


  5. I am smitten with the dwarf too!


  6. Beside myself with excitement to see PJ’s new Hobbit video today and yes!!! I’m TOTALLY smitten!! We knew he would be magnificent, but wow!!!!!!!


  7. Oh SQUEE! Yes, those eyes are spectacular.


  8. In Jackson’s video, he, the makeup artist and the costumer all make the point that the colors we see in the video are much more saturated than the colors will be in the actual movie. I don’t think Thorin will be so red-faced in the film; perhaps his eyes won’t be as blue either. Gorgeous pic though.


    • Thanks for the comment, Cardinal Fang, and welcome to the blog. You may be right. But for now, we have this pic, at least.


  9. Oh, his eyes are so magnetic. *Sigh* … and that his costume, so majestic!


  10. Nice “Fire and Rain” reference.


  11. So excited to wake up to these pics this morning. My heart leapt and I stopped breathing at my first sight of that middle one. I agree with everyone here, his eyes are so compelling. Who would have thought an aging, grey haired, bearded dwarf would be so hot?
    I’m with the girls. I’ve fallen as well. Hard.


    • it made me think about how he might look when he’s gone completely white. If I am alive then, I’ll definitely want to see him on the screen.


      • I’ve always thought he will age well and look very distinguished with grey hair (if he doesn’t lose it, that is!), so how he looks in the pic augurs well for him.


  12. Richard Armitage holding a bow is probably the most powerfull, masculine and elegant thing that I have ever seen.


    • it’s definitely up there.

      For me, too: I have a lot of male family members who bowhunt. Now, they don’t hunt with bows like that, of course, but bow and arrow is already very well anchored in my vocabulary of masculinity.


  13. I’ve just had the chance to watch the video blog in full. The 3D stuff is fascinating, and I had to smile at the way PJ has given all the cameras names. He seems such a down to earth and dinkum (to use an Aussie and Kiwi word) person.
    BTW I am soooo envious of those makeup artists having to get so close to RA. 😉


    • I thought that was cute, too. Especially Tricki-Woo. He didn’t say, but that was the little dog that James Herriot treated in All Creatures Great and Small.


  14. I whole heartedly agree with aurum and every one else LOL he looks gorgeous, masculine and … gosh those eyes *sigh*


  15. Ohh..Thorin you are magnificent,maskuline,elegant and hot,but You can leave your clouts on:D


  16. or..”clothes”:) sorry


  17. The video (access on richardarmitagenet) is fascinating – very technical explanations, will have to watch about 16 times to understand one basic detail. 🙂 A brilliant publicist, among his other talents, PJ releases his “teasers” at just the right intervals! He must find much common ground with RA regarding focus, dedication – obsession! (Wondering whether RA is delivering his little notes to the director…


  18. Loved the part when the door opens and the dwarves fall in!


  19. …one can already see and feel his shining presence “on stage” and his genuineness and his seriousness in this all-over hairy (not so small appearing) dwarf. His eyes seem extremely clear and blue… Stunning!


  20. You know “mesmerized” doesn’t even begin to describe my visceral reaction to these pictures of Richard. Seriously!


  21. Teuchter, have to join Cindy in rewatching to catch the sound effects! Looks as though RA will have his comedic moments – YAY!


    • fitzg, I imagine he will enjoy them too. He hasn’t had too many in his screen roles and I certainly can’t recall any slapstick moments! 🙂


  22. […] paying attention at the time — I was more preoccupied with Armitage’s nose and his eyes — Peter Jackson explained this stuff in vlog #4. I would have sworn when I started blogging […]


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