Two beautiful Armitage hand shots

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) picks up his watch to see what time it is after being startled awake in Spooks 8.5. My cap.

Paul Andrews (Richard Armitage) picks up his cell phone in episode 5 of Between the Sheets. My cap.

Putting these here because I’m conceding the point and not trying to write any more today. See you tomorrow. Meanwhile read that last Legenda post! Lots of good stuff there!

~ by Servetus on May 22, 2012.

9 Responses to “Two beautiful Armitage hand shots”

  1. ♥ ♥ ♥


  2. Thank you, Servetus, for the wonderful hand pictures. In your second one, I for the first time recognized, that RA’s tendons / sinews (don’t know which one fits best) of middle and ring finger appear to be parallel on the handback. Mine by the best will only build a v.
    Seems to give his hand some stability, strength and trustfulness by extra symmetry.


  3. Thanks Servetus. Richard is not only beautiful, he has also very nice hands… 🙂


  4. *sigh*


  5. Hmm his beautiful hands* sigh* and I wonder what they are in touch, warm or cold 🙂


  6. The only way those hands would be even more beautiful is if they were undoing a shirt or pants…


  7. Speaking of hands, I ran across this nice thumb shot of RA drawing in The Impressionist:


  8. Quite possibly the most beautiful hands I have ever seen…


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