Legenda 33: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

[I plan to continue to post this week, as I’m still chewing on the final beard posts, but it may become erratic / sporadic. Thanks for your patience.]

The Beard:



I also beg to report that I finally saw the first season of Sherlock. I thought the first episode was spectacular, the second two good but not as great as the first (both had timing/flow problems for me). Adaptation, timing, camera moves, acting, all particularly great in the first episode. I had not seen either Martin Freeman or Benedict Cumberbatch in anything before. I’m really excited about Freeman now and think he will be a fantastic Bilbo Baggins and really look forward to how his acting style will mesh with Mr. Armitage’s. I was neutral on Cumberbatch until the final scenes of 1.3 (in the pools, where Sherlock is defending Watson), when I started to see what might attract people to him. He’s just so — odd.

~ by Servetus on July 1, 2012.

19 Responses to “Legenda 33: Stuff worth reading”

  1. I still don’t understand why I find odd sexy but there’s more than one “odd” man I find attractive! Benedict Cumberbatch is just one of several 🙂


  2. I’m curious too on how Freeman and Armitage will mesh on screen, as well as how they have been getting along off screen. How sad that I am already looking forward to the release of the DVD next summer, so I can see all the behind the scenes shenanigans of the actors. If that early video clip of the “first look at the drawves” in Adam Brown’s trailer is any indication of how these guys are getting along, the DVD extras should prove very entertaining. I saw Freeman in Love Actually, how he could film those scenes and keep a straight face is beyond me (but I that dry sense of humor). I would love to see him in Sherlock.


  3. I first saw Martin Freeman in the original British version of “The Office” and he was great in it, then I also saw him in Anthony Minghella’s “Breaking and Entering” (an odd film which I loved very much) in which he played a completely different character (and had a beard which made him almost unrecognizable). I was impressed by is versatility based on these two roles. I wish I could forget he was in Love, Actually (I’d like to forget that film exists, to be honest- if only I could!) Never seen Cumberbatch in anything.


  4. Thank you for mentioning me or rather clever RA ;o), Servetus, and for your wonderful list. I would have overlooked such lovely articles otherwise. Your lists are always wonderful to explore. Thank you!


  5. Legenda alerts are very much appreciated – thank you!

    Sherlock’s Cumberbatch (cumberbatchsome name!) is intriguing. Martin holds his own in the series.


  6. I have to agree with cdoart and fitzg. I would miss some wonderful things were it not for your Legenda updates.


  7. Someone pointed out that Benedict bears a certain resemblance to an otter. Think about it. He does.

    And I find otters attractive creatures. He is very distinctive looking. One of my favorite Freeman projects is actually a sweet little comedy called “Nativity!” in which he was a music teacher. I’ve watched it several times.

    Judging purely from the Hobbit press conference, I sense Martin has a bit of a man crush on our Richard. And who can blame him? 😉
    Thanks once again for the Legenda posts. 😀


  8. Thanks for the link to my post “Little Guy takes holidays” Servetus. 🙂


  9. Thank you for all the recommended posts, and mine too. 🙂 In fact, the beard makes me ambivalent feelings. Because RA really looks very masculine with a beard especially in its natural color. But on the other hand, I have to agree with one of the commenters on my blog, which stated that Richard has a too long beard, and it may not look aesthetically while eating. But hey, he is still Thorin. 😉

    Btw, Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch have created a wonderful duo. I must admit that after watching the last episode of the second season I had tears in my eyes.


  10. Ania, I was close to tears, too. A TV series that has been working well!


  11. Thanks for the link to my blog. Almost missed it, but tracked it down 🙂 Much appreciated.

    Love the Legenda posts – always helps me catch up with RA World. Thanks Servetus.


  12. I’m continually amazed at the gReAt cReAtivity in our community. Thanks again for posting links to the various sites so we don’t miss anything!


  13. Hi Serv,
    Love your latest Legenda list–I’m working my way through it slowly. But thanks also for the mention and link to my post.
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  14. Servetus, thanks for the legenda lists! I really enjoy them. I just found your newest list, and am looking forward to reading all these new perspectives. 🙂


  15. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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