Legenda 58: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]


Still on my mind:

Jazzbaby1 explains another effort to support the murdered children and adults at Sandy Hook: snowflakes solicited by the Sandy Hook PTA (for non-US friends: Parent Teacher Association).


Thanks to all the donors!

rahobbitgiftbombforcharitynov2612gratianalFinal wrap up on the “gift bomb” project. Thanks to all the spReAdthelove donors who gave blood, food, and clothing in their local communities to congratulate Mr. Armitage on his success in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.Screen shot 2012-12-23 at 1.46.27 PM

And Mulubinba reminds all readers that if you haven’t donated yet, it’s definitely not too late to leave a small gift and message!






Two notable #RichardArmitage tweets, if you’re not on Twitter:

Screen shot 2012-12-23 at 10.37.35 AMScreen shot 2012-12-18 at 5.36.19 PM

Everybody’s got an opinion!

More reactions to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:

Richard Armitage Archive:


Again, I read almost nothing. This is starting to bother me on more levels than one.

  • However, if you are on DF and haven’t checked in there recently, there is a holiday challenge underway. If you’re not on DF and want to be, let someone who is on DF know.
  • I also noticed that “Hot August Night” (RPF, explicit) added a new chapter. Licking lips in anticipation. I haven’t read it.



~ by Servetus on December 23, 2012.

18 Responses to “Legenda 58: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Great round-up – I would never find all of this on my own! Glad I’m not the only distRActed driver…I drove 10 miles in the wrong direction and was late for my own class one day!


  2. Thanks for these, Servetus! I will be happily kept busy reading this evening.


  3. I’m so glad all the recent excitement in RA land has kept you occupied for the duration. The fics will be there when you’re ready for them again. Mine will hopefully post next week.


  4. Did I get this from you, Serv, or did I just find it on tumblr? I really like it.


  5. Thanks for the mention of my review. I think I’m going to have to 3D The Hobbit again on Monday. It will have to tide me over until I can HFR it.
    I just hope the movie gets out before I have to go to the first of two XMAS Eve early services. Ha!
    P.S. Why two? My sister is singing her her church at the first one. So I’m doing the sister support thing and taking it for the team by attending two services at two churches in one night. That’s why I need some Thorin tomorrow. Ha!


    • I was at church twice today and I’m not even Christian … and I will probably be there twice on Xmas Eve and once on Christmas Day. Will definitely need some Thorin after that.


      • Hardcore! We changed up our routine since my son is singing at the late service tomorrow …here’s a good one…we don’t have a service on Christmas Day..moonies indeed. 😉


        • WHAT?


          • Our minister (next week is her last week …thank the good Lord) long ago managed to convince the congregation that two eve services would suffice..she usually was on vacation after the midnight service until New Year. Beats me…I expect this will all change with whomever we hire to replace her.


  6. Lovely work, as always! Thanks!
    Btw, RA has a full name in Black Sky now – Gary Morris, according to IMDb.


  7. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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