XLII: But I’m not wishing Richard Armitage all the answers just yet!

childlineIt’s Servetus’ annual charity appeal for Richard Armitage’s birthday!

For every comment from a unique IP / commentator left on this post from 48 hours after the time it appears, I will donate £1 to ChildLine via Richard Armitage’s JustGiving pages.

If you are a lurker: here’s an additional incentive! If you delurk for the first time for this post, I will donate an additional 50p for a total of £1.50 for your comment!

[Comments can be about anything. No content requirements or minimum word threshold.]

And don’t wait on me: donate yourself to any of the charities he recommends, right here!


vlcsnap-2011-02-09-16h46m24s149I know this birthday wish is a little lame. For all that, just as heartily felt! Lucas North / John Bateman (Richard Armitage) and Maya Lahan (Leila Rouass) in Spooks 9.3. My cap.


Dear Mr. Armitage,

Happy birthday — yet again. Some things you’ve said suggest you don’t celebrate and in 2011, I guess, you slept through the day! Since I always wish you exactly what you want for your birthday, I hope that if you’re studiously ignoring your birthday, no one or nothing reminds you of it. (Including this post.) Keep reading at your own risk!

I’m always writing your birthday post at the last second. In fact, I’ve been trying for three years to write a sonnet about your acting for your birthday. I have six lines. (Two more than last year. Sonnets are slow things.) This year I wanted to do a fan vid and managed to complete about 90 seconds of it. You really deserve better from me; then again, your birthday does fall in the third week of August.

So this is as off the cuff as it usually is.

You had such an amazing year, professionally. The summary of what you did — and all the press it generated, which I enjoyed like crazy — since your last birthday is astounding. I wonder what was most exciting for you — the stuns on the Hobbit set? thoughts about new career directions? bringing The Hobbit home to London and meeting Prince William and taking your parents along? Giving your nephew the Thorin legos? The relocation to New York? Something personal and private? Climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge? Something not on this list?

What a year! I hope you had time to enjoy all of these happenings and the many memories you created for yourself and others.

Tonight, as the afternoon was tilting toward evening, I was driving past the Armitage exit and thinking about life, the universe, and everything — and you, of course. I was thinking about how different and, frankly, unimaginable, the last three and a half years would have been without the encounter with your work and everything it’s inspired: growth, thoughts, emotions, and in particular friendships. Someday I’ll actually send you a letter that I write, and I’ll say some of what I thought this afternoon — that you helped me, that you helped me talk to people who were in turn helped — and who then turned back to help me in some way. That your work inspires an ongoing synergism of creativity, love, friendship and support that keeps us all going, somehow, even at terrible times — and that I can’t imagine the last few years without you and the friends grouped around you, anymore.

My other main thought, about life, the universe, and everything, is nothing new, and it’s conditioned, admittedly, by what I’ve been doing lately: as old and experienced as we feel sometimes, we’re really still so young. We have so much in front of us, so much to learn and experience and grow with, so many new people to meet and landscapes to see, so many worlds to explore.

As even Douglas Adams knew and joked about, 42 was a red herring. We don’t yet know all the answers. That would be boring. There’s still so much left for us to learn. At 40, you said you were middle-aged. (Yes, I know you said that mostly for the benefit of reporters.) But you (and I) are now in position to celebrate our best years — smarter, more experienced, more mature, but still with the energy and the capacity for all kinds of new things to come.

And there are so many questions left to answer! In fact, the questions — experiencing them, asking them, trying out solutions, discarding what we know and trying all over again — that may be the most thrilling, promising part!

I’m excited about all these questions and opportunities for you and in the last few years, my excitement for you has taught me to be excited about them for me. What I’ve hoped for you has, in turn, taught me not to fear.

I wish I could give you something really neat. Although I have no idea what you’d do on your perfect birthday, this is how I’m dreaming you’re spending it — after sleeping in and perhaps reading or jogging in the morning, fielding dozens of calls and texts from friends and family, I’m seeing you enjoying a wonderful day spent relaxing on the coast and then a dinner grilled and eaten by the light of torches — or perhaps dancing at a hot Latin club in New York City with friends, drinking the intense, fruity  cocktails that go with those dances, giggling and toasting and staying up till you can’t lift a foot anymore, and remembering just how young you really are and how many things there are to be excited about. If there’s someone special for you right now, I hope you’re spending the day together and happy.

May the next year of your life bring you many new artistic and personal challenges — love, health, beauty, prosperity — and anything else that’s lacking.

But above all, may this year bring you many wonderful, intriguing questions — so that you can continue to search for pieces to the answers in ways that fascinate and inspire you. You may be 42 — but it’s the year to throw 42 away.

So once again, happy birthday! I hope you have the most wonderful day.

As always,



Check out the birthday card for Richard Armitage at RichardArmitageNet.com, with the amazing summary of everything he did this year!

Birthday greetings for Richard Armitage are rolling in from the bloggers. In addition to the items reblogged below, here are the ones I’ve seen so far, as I post this:

And don’t forget to check out the Richard Armitage tumblr stream here. I’m seeing lots of neat graphics already!


Don’t miss King Richard Armitage Week 2013 at KRA! There’s a quiz, and you can win a prize!



Previous Armitage Days marked at “me + richard armitage”:

~ by Servetus on August 22, 2013.

100 Responses to “XLII: But I’m not wishing Richard Armitage all the answers just yet!”

  1. Hooray for Richard Armitage and LONG may he live and prosper! Whoo-hoo!
    *you will note I left my post until the last minute, too, although I DID actually complete a video earlier today and napped while it uploaded*


  2. here, here !!! so perfectly written and heartfelt! loved it and if Mr. Armitage just happened upon it, I am almost certain he would too!


  3. Another great birthday post – thanks Serv and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Armitage!


  4. A Happy Birthday to Richard, he did say that “your only as old a you feel” a couple years ago. So I hope he is feeling young today. I still don’t know about the middle age thing yet, I still feel young, just not my body so much. If you want to sleep in Richard, do so, I did, got woke by my aunt wishing me a happy birthday.


  5. Great post Servetus 🙂
    Happy birthday to RA, may he fulfill everything he really desire in his life, may he stay healthy, nice and humble as he has been since today. I wish him a year full of satisfactions and happiness. Long may he run! 😀


  6. Between blogs, Twitter and Tumblr, it feels like it’s Christmas. Am I missing something? 😉


  7. A lovely birthday letter! I can only add my very best wishes for a year filled with everything Richard wants most, and many happy returns!


  8. Great thoughts and well-put, as usual expressing so many of my own Armitage-related thoughts. I am genuinely glad that the man exists in the world, and glad for myself that I discovered him. It would be a poorer planet without the dedication, decency, artistry, and everything else he brings to it.


  9. Happy Birthday Mr A. Great post Serv, hope your trip is still going well. Xx


  10. Wonderful post. I know that your posts are not ment for him to read, but I wish he would read this one, from one of his thoughtful bloggers.


  11. Cape cast aside and shadows left behind..

    Wonderful post, Servetus. I, like you, simply wish Richard whatever he’d like his (and it is, his day…in our eyes at least!) day to be.

    I don’t doubt that your day has been a hard, but hopefully lots of Armitage Birthday well wishes and love will cause you to smile.

    Now, off to make my contributions to Childline and Shelter.


  12. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Servetus and a happy birthday to our lovely movie star !


  13. Like she says!
    I’ll just add chocolate ice cream!


  14. A lot of the effect that you describe Mr A to have had on your life, I can totally identify with. I feel inspired, challenged and lifted-up by the fact that I have discovered him. He’s my go-to man if I need to be cheered up. And just by having such a fantastic community of fans, I have made friends world-wide and re-discovered my photography-mojo and creative writing skills. I am glad he exists. Thanks, Serv, for putting it into words!


  15. That is a beautiful birthday letter, Servetus. I wish Richard the very same sentiments.


  16. Great post, Serv. Feels like it’s Christmas today!


  17. Amen to that!!!! Absolutely love your words and I hope this coming year is his best ever!


  18. As this is my only opportunity to do something for his charities, I will use all the laptops in the household to comment on this post. This is the first one! =)


  19. I have fun reading your work, Servetus. Thank you!
    Good wishes and prayers from across the Pacific.


  20. Great post as ever Servetus – I have already donated on Richard’s pages but it’s great that you are being so generous!

    I guess he hasn’t woken up yet on his birthday morning, so I shall just pause and think about him sleeping 😉


  21. I usually never comment, but I read the blog, love it!
    But this wonderful event deserves another comment from me 😀


  22. I too have been helped by this blog. I’ve had depression for over a year now, through some mis-understanding with friends. It was so simple I forgot to tell someone something and now I’m paying for it with terrible misery but you dear servetus have helped me put my troubles into perspective.

    I do wish Richard the best Birthday yet, he thoroughly deserves it.


  23. Happy Birthday Richard and a very happy Armitage Day to all my peeps! Please join in to celebrate the day either by visiting blogs, on Twitter or on Tumblr. Remember that we make the day fun, so some out and play!
    Also, make sure you check out my King Richard Competition which starts today and runs for the next 7 days, with a chance to grab an Armitage goodie each and every day. OK, enough with the shamless promotion…
    Happy Armitage Day everyone!


  24. Wonderful post Servetus.
    I totally forgot about 42 – life, the universe and everything. Will have to recommence watching Big Bang Theory repeats or hand in my geek membership card.


  25. What a wonderful and lovely idea to combine your birthday message for Mr. A. with a donation for every comment. Thank you very much.
    May I fall into line and accompany your best wishes for The Man and hope for him to have a marvellous year ahead – first of all for him of course, and also to our sheer delight.


  26. Delurk for donate. Happy Birthday Richard!


  27. Great post Servetus. 🙂

    Happy birthday Mr Armitage. 🙂


  28. happy birthday richard armitage! and happy birthday to me because today is my birthday too. for real! i was really happy when i found out that i share my bithday with one of my favorite actor


  29. Happy Armitage Day! 😀
    Beautiful letter (((Servetus))) :* *sigh* (the art of epistolography is living! )


  30. Our favorite great Actor is Richard
    For his birthday, donate is his wisher,
    His character Thorin,
    Is the one I’m adorin’,
    So Happiest Birthday, our Breath hitcher!

    Hey, it’s 8 o’clock in the morning!
    Love to all and Happy Birthday, Mr. Armitage.
    ((hugs to Serv))


  31. Beautiful letter … beautiful sentiment … beautiful man! 🙂


  32. A lurker, delurking! I’ve admired RA since I saw his jaw-dropping performance in N&S in 2004. I’m also an avid follower of your blog since its start and find it both fascinating and thought-provoking.


  33. Mr. A deserves all the good wishes and more. Thanks, Servetus, for sharing your Armitage appreciation with us. You articulate what most of us don’t have words for. Happy Birthday, Mr. A.! 😀


  34. Happy Birthday, Mr Armitage. Thank you for your wonderful acting and for inspiring all the blogs I so enjoy reading. Safe journeying Servetus!


  35. Thank you for this post! Truly its is Mr. Armitage who is the gift giver and we the receivers of his beauty and talent that brings us all such joy. Thank you Mr. Armitage and Happy Birthday may you have many many more!


  36. I’m going to ignore his birthday if that’s what he wants, this comment is for the children!


  37. This is the third one from me 🙂 all for the children!


  38. Happy B- Day Mr Armitage! Your work brings us all so much happiness all year long. So thank you! My birthday wish for you is that your next project is a meaty drama that brings you an Oscar.

    Sev, thank you for all YOU DO, you blog brings us all so much happiness.


  39. Yup, 42 is just a number! He’s got so much life left to live, and hopefully the best is yet to come.

    WIshing you save travels today, Serv.


  40. For the kids!


  41. An excellent birthday letter. I enjoy your writing enormously and am so glad I found your blog. I am a lurker and this is my first post.

    I hope Richard feels even a portion of the enjoyment today that he gives to all of us all year long.


  42. Thank you for doing this.


  43. Hi Servetus, beautiful idea and thanks for letting us be part of it. ♥

    For the birthday boy, have a really nice day, I hope all your wishes come true. ¡¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños!!!!


  44. Beautifully written!
    Happy birthday, Mr. A! Last year was amazing, many more to come with success, health and happiness!


  45. Delurking to wish Mr A a very happy birthday and to say how much I love reading this blog. Thank you Servetus!


  46. Totally brill. Love the graphic. gReAt work making the “42” connection there, LOL!


  47. Great post, Serv! Thank you for all that you do 🙂


  48. I love your post, Servetus! ❤
    Happy Armitage Day for Everyone!


  49. Thank you for doing this, Servetus — an offer a lurker can’t refuse.

    A sonnet is beyond me at present, but doggerel I can do:

    Happy Birthday, our dear Mr. Armitage!
    Now you have reached forty-two,
    May life, the universe and everything
    Come up roses for you.

    ::Scuttles back into the woodwork::


  50. He is always the magnificent Mr Armitage…


  51. Happy Birthday to the one and only Richard Armitage! 🙂


  52. I had my first dream about RA Monday night. In the dream, I was up in NYC for the day and touring this beautiful, historic church-type place with gorgeous architectural details. As I take out my camera, guess who I notice is also at this church. As I’m taking out my camera, he sees me taking out my camera and gets this look of horror on his face. I think the dream ends with me freezing before I can reassure him that I’m not going to take his photo but of some detail in the church. I’m not sure what to make of this dream.


  53. Lovely–thank you! I wish a very happy day to Mr. A!


  54. When I have a little more time I will look into your blog more in detail. But just this birthday post is wonderful already!
    I guess most people will say that the person they admire is very special, but I feel with Richard Armitage it is really something extraordinary. As you write, servetus, having encountered him as an actor and his work has really given me a lot in the past months (and I am not a teenage girl anymore, but a real grown-up woman), so that I think there is something beyond the normal “fan” thing. Maybe there is a kindness and radiance in him that goes out to other people? For me at least I can say it opened me up in a way, brought me in contact with wonderful people, and all the dedicated fan sites seem much more polite and thoughtful and less shallow than other fansites.


  55. Hi Servet,

    A Day Armitage wonderful for you and Happy Birthday Richard!


  56. Such a lovely letter, Servetus! If Mr. Armitage ever happens to wonder over to the internet and starts reading the blogs about him, I’m sure this one would make him smile.
    And it’s a beautiful thing you’re doing, donating to RA’s favourite charities in honour of his birthday. I hope you’re having a wonderful Armitage Day!


  57. Красиво сказано (beautifully spoken), Servetus! Happy birthday to a fine actor and a gentleman.


  58. I guess I’m a Lurker 🙂 Just wanted to say I stopped by out of curiosity over a year ago, and have stopped by everyday since for the Servetus. I’m in a cutting edge (and high stress) scientific field, but my heart is in writing. What you have to say always seems to touch on some aspect of my life and you articulate it brilliantly and entertainingly.
    In being inspired, you have become inspiring.
    Thank you Serv.
    (Oh, and happy birthday to Richard ;).


  59. My friend sent me an excellent card on 19th August for my 42nd and it said what if the hokey kokey is what its all about? I like to believe it is. Thanks servetus u r so eloquent and I luv ur posts and happy bday Rich!


  60. Happy Armitage Day!


  61. Hi Servetus, your charity challenge finally got me to de-lurk…been here for about a month enjoying all your in-depth analysis (I have to admit, as a clothes junkie, the tuxedo cuff one did you VERY proud – I’m in awe). I wish RA a great birthday and a fabulous year to come….


  62. delurking to ask: he’s moved to NYC? how did i miss that?


  63. Still a few hours of Armitage Day left here so I still plan some celebrating of my own! 😉 Thanks for sharing this wonderful letter with us, Servetus. I heartily concur with the sentiments on the picture! Never again do I want to see any character of his destroyed in such a way.

    Following Richard’s great example, I’m off to do a little donating myself! 🙂


  64. Happy Birthday Richard!


  65. […] Army international holiday called Armitage Day,  which extends to a Week, and where gifts are given freely to charities in Richard’s […]


  66. Happy Birthday, Richard!
    And as I always say, I wish for you every happiness that you wish for yourself.
    Love & Hugs, Grati ;->


  67. Here’s my comment from a different IP address. Happy birthday, Richard!

    Servetus, that’s a lovely letter to him. I’m sure if he was to ever find out about it, he would be honored.


  68. […] Day is ending, but you can still comment on the post below (here) to get me to donate a pound (or a pound and a half if you’re a lurker) to Richard […]


  69. Cheers for Richard’s birthday! Wishing that he shall continue to be the inspiration for his admirers. Thanks for your thought provoking blog posts Serv; similar to Richard, you have brought a great deal of fascination to your blog readers.


  70. I wanted to comment since you posted this, but I wasn’t sure what it is that I have to write…~


  71. Great way to celebrate RA’s birthday! You’re an inspiration, same as RA.


  72. Here I am…better late than never! Also the anniversary of my delurking :). Great idea!!


  73. I gotchyer comment right here. Neener neener.


  74. happy birthday to an absolutely wonderful man!


  75. Severus, I loved your letter to Mr. Armitage! I remember the first time I saw him–in North And South. I just loved the depth of Mr. Thornton’s character, which he was able to portray quite brilliant! I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors! To the next 42, Mr. Armitage!


  76. Oops, sorry I’m so late! Lovely post for a lovely man – very generous of you to do this charity thing. P.S. Re the above comment – I hadn’t realised you changed your name to Snape …


  77. Buttman.


  78. Egads – thanks for extending to 48 hours for the rest of us slackers!! Got back to London yesterday from Madrid (wow, I really love Museo Nacional del Prado!!) and flying out to the US tomorrow – but wanted to get a comment in for your annual charity event!!

    Oh wait – was there something else special about yesterday’s date? 😉


  79. Thanks for your donation Servetus, and for your wonderful birthday letter. Hope the coming year will treat you well, too. Here’s to our birthday chap!


  80. Am I too late?


  81. Ooops I had a very busy day yesterday! Feliz Aniversário Richard!
    Muito obrigada, Servetus! XOXO Bibiana.


  82. Thanks for donating!!!! Lovely post HB RA!


  83. Have to add my bit! Thanks, Servetus, for your donation and the role your blog plays for many of us in the fandom. I wish Richard and everyone a year of year of fulfillment as we all reach, stetch, and grow to be more, do more and give more of ourselves for some good to those around us and for the world. There’s nothing more satisfying than using your strengths and abilities to touch others and lift them up in some way. Richard does it with his work. We can, too.


  84. […] if you haven’t commented here to generate a donation to Childline from me, you can do that here. That option remains open until I make it home and close the comment […]


  85. I was late to the party and didn’t get around to all the blogs yet. I so appreciate your Legendas and am always so flattered when I am included.
    I hope my comment is not too late to qualify for your charity initiative. You are such a generous soul! Thanks!


  86. I hope I’m not too late to the party either. I’m exhausted after the frenzy that was Armitage Day. 😉
    I’ve made my donation too, but wanted to thank you Serv for your generosity in taking on this challenge, and wish you safe travels. I may not comment anywhere near as often as I used to but I still read and am inspired and enlightened by your writing. *hugs*


  87. whoops! thanks for the reminder to comment 😉 I had my nose buried in a book yesterday & am just now catching up on everything *blushes*


  88. Better late than never… Thank you for the blog and for donating!


  89. Thanks for donating to children and helping us honor our favorite Guy on his birthday. I really appreciate your blog, love your honesty, originality, depth, complexity, sensitivity. You stretch my brain and my heart, like the incomparable person we are celebrating.


  90. If this isn’t one of the best reasons to delurk! Hi Servetus, I’ve been reading your blog for some weeks now and been really enjoying your posts about Mr. Armitage. I like your writing style, by the way, I wish I had such a rich vocabulary. Thank you for your inspiring blog, and thank you for your generosity!


  91. Hi, and happy 42nd to Richard (better late than never). Kind of sad that he’s not Batman, but kind of relieved as well. Just yesterday he was saying that he didn’t know where the rumors were coming from, so true. Here’s hoping that Richard III and/or Matthew Clairmont is in his future!


  92. Not being online for 2 days causes a RA-birthday-blog/tumblr congestion. One could expect that there would be a lot of rattle in Armitage World on his/this very special Armitage-Day, but actually I’m a bit floored about the sheer amount of creative outburst….
    Thanks Serv for putting all this thoughts and sentiments into words, creating such a wonderful birthday letter. Reading it gave me a sense of warmth and familiar feelings.
    Meanwhile your charity appeal turns out to be a most welcome annual ritual habit and I readily made my contributions to Richard’s JustGiving page. Hope that by now you arrived at your destination safe and sound. Enjoy your weekend.


  93. What a wonderfully generous thing to do, Servetus! I hope I’m not too late for the project, but even if I am, I just wanted to say thanks.


  94. I like it too. Happy birthday to RA and thanks to you, Servetus.


  95. Squeezing in late. Thank you, Servetus, for your birthday present donation !


  96. Made it “home,” and am now closing comments here. Thanks to everyone who commented and thus donated! I’ll publish the results Sunday at the latest.


  97. […] forget to check out the dozens of links I collected here and here, but here are just a few […]


  98. I thought i posted but like lots of things at the moment, I don’t seem to have done! Great post, lovely idea. Happy Birthday Mr A xx


  99. […] I honestly had planned to do this within days of Armitage Day, but you know what’s been going on. In any case, I wanted to announce the results of my offer to make donations on behalf of people who left comments on my post congratulating Richard A…. […]


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