Scalloped Armitage

It’s Wednesday again. Sigh.

Richard Armitage as Lucas North in Spooks 7.2. My cap.

You may or may not hear from me again later, depending on how the day goes. This is the pic I am looking at to gird my loins today. What I’m finding transfixing — all of the little half circles and grooves that appear on Richard Armitage’s body in profile here. The most touching is the one under his nose, but it’s paralleled by the one from his lower lip to his chin. Then there’s the curve around his mouth where it meets his cheeks, and the one that traces his eyebrows, and the tiny ones over his throat, and and and … I just want to trace finger over every single curve.

So yeah, scalloped like ornamented with little curves or grooves, not scalloped like scalloped potatoes. Although that would also probably go well with the mood of the day. Hope everyone has a great one!

~ by Servetus on November 14, 2012.

42 Responses to “Scalloped Armitage”

  1. Perfect choice for girding one’s loins. Adopting it for my own girding. Thanks! 😉


  2. Good golly. More studying that later. For my girding will need to be for tomorrow. Sigh. Thank you for this.


  3. Hang in…these kind of days seem so interminable, but they do finally end, and then there is beer 🙂


  4. It’s one of my favorite Lucas pictures. What’s interesting is that season 8 Lucas lying in bed, filmed using a blue filter is usually more sexy, whereas this season 7 pic shows just how hallow and restless he is. The man expresses so much just by lying on his back!


  5. Good luck to everyone who is girding. I must make myself turn this screen off now … but those little grooves …


  6. Interesting picture. There are many more half-circles – look at the shadows and highlights. Brilliant observation, Servetus!


  7. How does he manage, just by lying there, to exude total masculinity and beauty? I always found that scene – and this picture – extremely emotive. He is conveying so much without a single word having to be said!


  8. Yowza.


  9. He’s not of this world,is he?


  10. I didn’t even notice all the half circles. I was too busy staring at his collarbone, throat, adam’s apple…. *ahem* ….anyway. I too will need this pic to get thru the next day or two!


  11. I love this RA as Lucas image, too! Here is what I did with it in February 2012:


  12. I also love this Lucas pic… 🙂


  13. *looking at curves* ^_^ you make me search for other pictures where i can do this, servetus…not only armitage’s pics. love the idea.


  14. This picture is …. words fail me.. What a stunning beaut he is. Thanks Servetus for digging this pic out of your gigantic “drawer” and for pointing out all the crescent-shaped features and half circles. I’ve never looked at it as long and close as I have today. This whole scene is wonderfully illuminated. Breathtaking!


  15. All I can think of is that those little grooves and half circles are perfect for the bestowing of little kisses…*sigh*…beautiful.


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