Really high resolution Richard

[Referencing an earlier discussion about how high density photos sometimes show you things you aren’t so interested in.]

So, did you check out those VERY BIG FILES that appeared on this morning?

I was sitting down in my favorite coffeeshop after shul and was looking for a gentle slide into the day. I read the warning that they might take time to load and clicked on blithely ahead and then saw (more or less) this covering my entire laptop screen. Click to enlarge to reproduce the Servetus experience:

Richard Armitage’s forehead, Detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

Response? I burst out with an open “guh!” in a very quiet coffee shop.

Guh, guh, guh.

Richard Armitage’s thumb, Detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

Fans of t-shirt ribbing everywhere will be able to diagnose the weave on Richard Armitage’s top. Let me say it again, guh, guh, guh.

Richard Armitage’s throat, detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

And let us not forget Mr. Armitage’s eyes.

Richard Armitage’s left eye, detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

He was wearing black, and the lighting is the kind to leach color out of them, but even so, I’m still drowning.

Richard Armitage’s left eye, detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

Or am I being warned of something?

Richard Armitage’s left eye, detail from picture taken at ComicCon San Diego, July 14, 2012. Source:

I shed my worries about having become a voyeur a long time ago. But honestly, if I were inclined to be concerned about that, this level of visual intimacy with a stranger’s face seems a lot more shocking to me than seeing his naked *rse from a distance.

Now that you’ve caught your breath, what do you think?

~ by Servetus on October 14, 2012.

19 Responses to “Really high resolution Richard”

  1. I happened to be on Facebook when the notice for these went up, and hightailed it immediately. I never thought anyone would look good this close up. I was wrong. (The throat particularly did me in.)


    • yeah, high res photography has definitely solved that problem for us, I guess 🙂

      I wonder what these are for — did someone just happened to photograph him with an amazingly high tech camera, or will there be posters or something? I always wonder why we find things out.


  2. Guh is right.


  3. Will go to sleep with his neck in my thoughts!!


  4. WOW!!! 🙂 …poor Rich!
    Thank you Servetus!


  5. I love Richard’s eyes!


  6. I love that his smile is reflected in the eye on pic no.4. Beautiful. And guh. All the way!


  7. I still can not take my eyes off of his neck. *sigh*


  8. Another vote for Richard’s neck! Start there and *sigh*. But hopefully he has had time to get a manicure or at the very least put lotion on his hands because his thumb nail and cuticle needs help. Wonder if he chews his nails? Oh well. Love the pictures.


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