Armitage raging

Richard Armitage as John Standring in Sparkhouse, episode 3.

Richard Armitage as John Thornton in episode one of North & South.

Richard Armitage as Peter Macduff in ShakepeaRE-Told: Macbeth.

Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood, from a publicity photo.

Richard Armitage as Lucas North in Spooks 7.7.

Richard Armitage as John Porter in the Strike Back viral video (photography by David Clerihew, editing by Sean Prue).

Richard Armitage in rehearsal for his role as Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit, from a pre-production video from Peter Jackson’s blog.

Crops from photos at Richard Armitage Net and the BBC.

~ by Servetus on April 25, 2011.

21 Responses to “Armitage raging”

  1. He does it so extremely well–the rage, the fury– it’s a little frightening, isn’t it? Reminds me of Keith Allen’s comment about working with someone who has so much hidden rage . . . and Himself saying he had a filthy temper.

    One of the things I appreciate about Mr. A is he has no problem with potentially looking less than handsome on camera when the occasion calls for it.
    The already prominent nose and chin seem to jut forward ever more defiantly; he bares his teeth in one of those fierce grimaces that reminds me of a snarling animal. (And I agree with some who have commented that while his new teeth are quite dazzling, sometimes they overwhelm. I sort of miss the quirky charm of his original chompers . . .)

    I’m thinking this is not a man I would want to get angry at me. But I think he must discipline himself well in all sorts of ways, including the proper channeling of any inner demons (long runs?)


  2. It must be very cathartic to let out all that passionate anger at will.
    You did well to capture that last still. I found it hard to find him in that video.


  3. Oh I’d not want to get on his wrong side and that’s the truth; but it’s also rather exciting to see so much passion too.

    Better to have something like acting or sport as a channel then for it to build up inside. Not healthy at all.


  4. Goodness, I can sympathise. I know the meaning of “berserking” and what it feels like. Been there, done that.

    Of course, he is an artist and able to use this feature in a productive way, and boy, did he give us magnificent scenes using it! The scene where he strangles and drowns the FSB agent is especially powerful – it is like taking revenge for the waterbooarding and the other torments the Russians inflicted upon him.


    • Actually I have had my “beserking” moments, too, Nietzsche, and they always catch people off guard because in general I am rather laid-back and good-humored. But every so often . . . it’s great that this wonderfully crative person has a way to channel the darker side in such a productive way, one that leaves us all holding our breaths. The scene you mentioned is certainly one of them.


  5. What I love about these displays of rage is how he turns on a sixpence. RA is a very contained actor who is not a scenery chewer. His acting on the whole is quiet and subtle. I find that this makes his explosions of Anger all the more powerful. I find they tend to be short bursts and then he returns his quiet subtle ways. The scene with Sarah when she has gone to his flat is a brilliant example of this.


    • It’s quite unexpected when it happens, isn’t it? I was looking at screencaps of that scene with Sarah this weekend, khandy, and reflecting on how furious he was, even starting to strike her,and then moments later she’s in his arms. (I think we actually saw a bit of acting on GOR’s part, too, in that scene). RA can express more standing still and saying nothing than some actors can do with a thousand pages of dialogue.


      • Love this scene… also when he starts kicking things from the floor to channel his anger and kinda jabbing Sarah with his clinched fist/lower arm controlled action…. His sensitivity and understated elegance in delivering the performance comes to the fore.

        Inspiteof his anger the respect (shown on his facial expression) for her is still there … when he told her to put her blouse back on.


        • “Sensitivty and understated elegance” . . . exactly. He undoubtedly is capable of great empathy to capture the complex emotions of these various characters, for us as viewers to feel as if he is living within their skin.

          And yes, in spite of feeling so betrayed and hurt, Lucas still respected her. A class act, our Lucas.

          (This Lucas just doesn’t bear much of a resemblance to the sham Lucas known as John Bateman, does he?)

          I think again of Guy’s anger over discovering Marian’s real identity as the Nightwatchman, and how that was mixed with a look of disbelief, betrayal and also grief passing over his face–he had wounded and nearly killed the woman he loved, after all–so much there on his face before he spoke a word to Allen.


          • I have the same reaction Tedgirl and Angieklong re the “sensitivity and understated elegance” as I think these are qualities that Richard has in RL. That was an amazing scene with SC as, just for a heartbeat, you really felt him capable of hitting her then he holds it in. Also that whole scene in RH where Marion is revealed as the Nightwatchman has always been a favourite of mine and Lucy herself remarked on it on one of the DVD extras if I remember correctly. Not only when he removes her mask and we see the many emotions that flit across his face and which he shows in those tiny micro-expressions in his eyes, but also when he returns and does the “A year ago …. Show me!” speech. (oh the look in his eyes there and when you seem him swallow as his emotions kick in!!) The soundtrack there seems to amplify the pain he must be feeling at her betrayal. Then as he is about to leave and she calls out his name, he turns and points his gloved finger at her and says tersely, “YOU, DO NOT SPEAK TO ME!!” Wow!! All the pent-up anger and bitterness behind those words. I often go to Annette’s site just to watch these clips over again!

            I think it is in the last “Spooks” interview he did, that he says, “I’m really not a violent person, which is probably why it’s easy to act.” And boy! Does he ever do it well!!


    • nice point, khandy.


  6. Yes, he is very good to act that kind of passsion, but that is why I “like” him so much (and that he is gorgeous) – he does the whole emotion registry (dont know if the that word exists in english:( )so d*mned well.


  7. The white-hot anger of the upright man, so startling and effective because it’s not just about himself, but also on behalf of others!

    John Standring straightening his back and putting Andrew in his place after a multitude of insults and now, through anger, claiming the right to an exclusive relationship with Carol!

    John Thornton bellowing “Stevens” and charging at him and us the viewers with fists and feet flying, besides himself at the thought of the danger to the mill and all within that Stevens might be the careless cause of!

    Lucas, whose life is at stake because he is willing at Harry’s specific request to put himself in the forefront of risk in the very place where he was banged up and tortured mercilessly for eight long years for Queen and country!

    John Porter, on a mission of personal redemption, but which involves saving another helpless soul.

    These are different to the snarls of the average hero, the macho man, preening and posturing to establish his own position.


    • It’s a righteous anger. A man determined to do the right thing even at a cost to himself.


    • yeah, he somehow manages to make each rage slightly different, as each character is completely discrete. Amazing.


  8. When I watch scenes from ” his fury” I always wonder from where Mr.Armitage take inspiration (from which part of his personality) And every time he surprises me, because I never exceed the border of legitimate anger (and I mean that it is never a grotesque)


  9. Can’t wait to see him as Thorin when he discovers Bilbo has the arkenstone.


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