What’s holding you prisoner?

Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne and Jonas Armstrong as Robin of Locksley in Robin Hood 1.8 My cap.

~ by Servetus on September 11, 2012.

29 Responses to “What’s holding you prisoner?”

  1. Fear of failure, of not being good enough. The chronic physical pain. My body doesn’t always cooperate with my spirit.


  2. for me, fear of failure (in awareness of having failed). The past. Wondering which commitments I need to jettison.


  3. Oh dear. Where to begin? Too much work. Not enough faith. More bills than money (the fact that there is too much work and not enough $ is a whole other can of worms).

    Lack of discipline. Easily side tracked. Forgetting about G-d. Lack of focus. Living in the future, living in the past. Forgetting to pray! Forgetting to count blessings. Not making time to exercise and eat right. This one really bugs me! Because I know better — I used to do health and wellness couseling!

    But I think I am holding myself prisoner everyday, but forgetting to take care of myself and to focus on what is important. I will leave it at that for now.


  4. My own lack of self-motivation…


  5. The unkindness of others……..xenophobia, selfishness etc.


  6. Past disappointments, exhaustion, and yes, fear. I am going to reblog this and post your link. Thanks for always making us think. Have a great day!


  7. Fatalizm


  8. Practical me, as I prepare for the future. (“golden handcuffs”)
    Worry about family.


  9. it’s the time of year (Jewish high holidays) when I think about this, but I have no answers. I was just thinking about my experience of last year when I realized G-d wants me to be free, too — and whether I’ve moved any closer to that. I hope we can all shake off our internal jailers a little this year.


  10. The high holidays are about a kind of honesty that can set you free. For me, I am a prisober of physical limitations, financial limitations — the shackles are definitely on the physical plane


  11. Wow. What a question. At the moment I don’t feel imprisoned. I’m kinda living life how I want, granted for the moment I have that job but in a couple of weeks I won’t have it and that thought has freed me from the concern and worry related to the job. In a few weeks I’ll be financially limited but at the moment I have money and am doing what I want in my personal life. It’s exhilarating. I’m sure the crash back to reality will be much less pleasant. “All those who wander are not lost”, JRR Tolkien.


  12. Expectations -my own and others of me, commitments, obligations. All of these, pulling on both my time and my wallet. Some days I think would happily walk away from all the things I thought that I wanted in order to just BE….unfettered, unexpected, uncommitted. Sadly not today…I am expected, so I’d better go.


    • this is an interesting dilemma for me, too. Both the wallet and the time issue. The wallet, because I’m starting to realize what the things I can’t live without really are — and they’re not necessarily what I expected — but also just exactly how much certain kinds of notions of “who I am” cost in terms of term and thus undermine the notion I have of “who I want to be.”


      • Acknowledging these feelings has created other ones vis a vis my children…if I accept that I see them as imprisoning me, what kind of mother does that make me? Is there a difference between feeling this way and acting upon it? Heavy!


        • Heavy, indeed. How Judaism answers that question is a major part of the reason why I became a Jew — Judaism would say, there is a difference. Acting in loving ways (following the commandments) is pleasing to G-d; feelings are nice if they come along but the point is that you act lovingly. I found this a huge relief after my childhood.


  13. I hold myself in a pattern of self fear of not doing well. I try to not get things wrong that if I think I will I do not do them. I am working my way out of this or trying to. I am working on going to school to become an OTA , this will take some time to. One step at a time. So many years out of school and in some classes not doing well I have always thought that I would fail at collage, but I want more.


  14. […] and Harry’s face simultaneously. (This is a sort of artistic effect that I really like; see here for a prettier example from Robin Hood, which was shot at 30 fps). In these shots below, which were […]


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