Expecto Armitagium!

[yeah, I’m guessing on the declension there — I’m assuming it’s accusative and the nominative form would be either Armitage or Armitagius. My Latin has always been a little weak, mostly for lack of self-discipline. Then again, it’s Harry Potter-speak. Feel free to correct me, classicists.]


OK, so I’m at work on chasing off the Dementor. I put him on notice by writing down my anger about him, but I don’t expect he’s gone for good. The best way to fend him off should he reappear would be to master the patronus charm. Sorry if you’re not a Harry Potter fan. But this is a metaphor I like, after thinking about it for awhile since it was suggested by LostInAGoodBook this spring. (Do you see how I carry you with me through your comments, faithful readers?)

In the Harry Potter books, Harry and eventually his friends learn to cast a charm in which they think of their most positive memory ever, and say “expecto patronum!” When the charm is cast successfully, a spirit shield appears that holds off Dementors, which are dangerous because they suck every positive feeling out of you and thus kill you by deadening your soul.

There are two pieces to this. I need first “the happiest moment,” and that’s going to take some thought / work, but I also need the guise in which the patronus appears, and I think that guise is Richard Armitage. But then Armitage appears in so many guises.


Is the sword-carrying Thorin my patronus?

Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield, cap taken from the The Hobbit app. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Or the concentrating Armitage on the set of The Hobbit?

Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield, from preproduction vlog #6 for The Hobbit. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Is it Ricky Deeming, a rebel with a vision of a different world?

Ricky Deeming (Richard Armitage) tells George Gently that he won’t recognize England in a few years in George Gently: Gently Go Man. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Is it Porter, who despite setbacks that undermine his self-confidence, learns to believe in himself again enough to take big risks!

John Porter (Richard Armitage) pauses briefly before pursuing a lead to the safehouse in Basra, in Strike Back 1.1. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

What about Lucas, whom Armitage called a super-hero, and who wrote on his body in indelible ink the reminder me to know himself?

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) explains his tattoos to Harry in Spooks 7.1. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Though I have problems with this, could it be Mr. Thornton, who knows, insists, he’s right?

Mr. Thornton (Richard Armitage) tells Mr. Latimer (Will Tacey) that he won’t speculate in episode 4 of North & South. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Or Mulligan, who’s okay with what he’s done despite its criminal nature?

John Mulligan (Richard Armitage) ponders a second before stating to Ellie (Christine Tremarco) that he knows what he’s done and he’s okay with it, in Moving On: Drowning Not Waving. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

How about John Standring, who’ll always be there once he’s committed?

John Standring (Richard Armitage) helps Carol (Sarah Smart) out of the ruin on the moors, with Lisa’s help (Holliday Grainger), in episode 3 of Sparkhouse. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Might it be Guy of Gisborne, who after running away from the revelation that Marian is the Night Watchman, comes back to face the knowledge he’d been avoiding for so long?

Guy of Gisborne (Richard Armitage) produces the evidence that will confirm that Marian is the Nightwatchman, in Robin Hood 2.11. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Or Monet, who keeps on painting in the face of terrible events, seeing the beauty in them, and thus revealing terrible knowledge about himself?

Monet paints his wife on her deathbed in episode 2 of The Impressionists. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com

Which Armitage is going to be my patronus?

Do you need an Armitage patronus?

If so, who’s yours?

~ by Servetus on September 14, 2012.

21 Responses to “Expecto Armitagium!”

  1. John Porter would be my patronus. He is a true hero – putting himself in danger to do the right thing, usually at great personal risk. He is probably my favourite RA character, despite SB being a genre i wouldn’t normally enjoy. For me, the most moving scenes are with Katie Dartmouth – he asks her to trust him and tells her everything will be okay. And it is – he stays with her right up until the moment he gently lifts her onto the waiting stretcher – she doesn’t want to let go of his hand and who can blame her? If i was in danger, it would be John Porter i would want by my side – and i quite like the idea of being able to summon him with the wave of a wand.


    • A second vote for Porter.


    • he’s appealing too because he does the right thing at the beginning (not killing As’ad) and then survives the destruction of his career to find Katie.


      • Yes- from the start JP has a moral code which over rides training, policies and politics. Time and time again we see him make decisions that are for the greater good, often at personal cost. I think sometimes we make the right decisions but still suffer unfortunate outcomes – we do the best we can with the information we have and then it is in the lap of the gods. JP’s exoneration is almost secondary for me- even if As’ad had killed those men would JP’s decision not to kill a child be less morally defensible?


        • yeah, I don’t care so much about the exoneration (in the end, we have to presume, too, that As’ad dies — it’s a loose end given the way the story didn’t resolve itself, so unfortunately As’ad is the one who paid that particular price either way) as I do about the self-rehabilitation.


          • He was exonerated in his own eyes and those of the viewer. It was left loose in the plot but ain’t that so often the case in real life? I think we all can think of times when we have been thoroughly stitched up.


            • oh, I agree, he was definitely exonerated for the death of his friends. I just don’t like the way that As’ad thread ends insofar as he saves the boy’s life only to let the young man die. My assumption is the script writers thought As’ad would return in series 2 — which then turned out to be about something else.


  2. Yes, I freely admit I need an armitage patronus, but he takes different forms depending on the threat I face. Most often, it’s Guy who has the awful knowledge of what he is capable of doing, of the humiliation he has endured, of constantly being undermined and told that he has failed, only to find the courage to care, to do the right thing, to face overwhelming odds with his sword drawn. And I feel that he needs me as much as I need him. Silly perhaps, but there it is.


    • that feeling of being needed is very seductive, I think, but I personally find it dangerous. That’s why Lucas has been such a problem for me — the level of need he projects is sometimes frightening.


      • Yes, it is seductive, and in real life, it has been so nearly deadly and unrewarded. At least with my patronus, I feel a certain reciprocity, that he would recognize that I was there for him, not just take, consume, and not even be aware of what I was giving. So, much as Lucas’ level of need can be frightening, “been there, done that” (red-lined my life in fact) with someone who did not have the grace to say thank-you, let alone love me in return.


  3. Interesting post. 🙂

    Mine could be John Porter… or Guy of Gisborne. 😉


  4. Glad you’re reclaiming your self, Servetus. I’m sure Porter, Thornton, Guy, Thorin, and all the others would be happy to stand, in spirit, by your side. Maybe together they could be your army, each one playing his role in your defense. Why settle for just one?


    • yeah, I was thinking just as they sometimes appeared to me in different contexts of thinking about loss or trauma, they might appear as strong characters depending on the need in different contexts.


  5. Lucas surviving the Russian prison and keeping in shape during terrible times has helped me — he’s my exercise mentor. I try not to think of Lucas season 9 — I just think of Lucas season 7, episodes 1-3.


  6. Firsth thought, John Thornton!… then I’m thinking maybe John Standring(poor guy) but I know that I’m cheating myself (and him) because all the way I will be dreaming about Guy.


  7. […] “Expecto Armitagium!” September 14, 2012. A post asking what your Armitage patronus would look […]


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